Cambodian New Year

13-15 April 2008


Street Scenes during the Khmer New Year #2

Closed shops at new year time Cambodians take the new year celebration seriously and everyone goes home who can. Not many shops are open on these days.

Betting shop Drink shops selling canned soft drinks and beer and betting shops like this one did a good business during the holidays. The legal betting is on soccer league games around the world.

Food vendor This man figures the people who are on the street, few as they are, have to eat, so he offers his boiled corn on the cob, a favorite seasonal snack in Cambodia.

Closed food stall A herd of goats has taken over this little food stall while its owners are home enjoying a meal together.

Guards eating on street These are guards and motorcycle taxi drivers who have to work during the holidays. Their usual rice stalls are closed so they put together a little repast to share on the sidewalk.

Shrine in home Many Khmer people share Chinese ancestry so this type of Chinese-style shrine honoring ancestors is a common feature in the new year decorations in many homes.

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